Fitness Article: First Comes the Snow, Then Comes the Muscle Soreness… Why?
By Karen Goeller, CSCS
So think about it... You exercise at least three times each week, you like what you see in the mirror, and you think you're in pretty good shape. Right? You might look and feel great, but you have not specifically trained for the task of shoveling.
The snow storm hits and you have to shovel the driveway, dig your car out, and then maybe build a snowman. You move the snow quickly in the beginning and you think it will be less dreadful than last winter's snow storm so you keep up the pace. You do not stop to rest so you shovel for hours, you then help the neighbors, and then you play with the kids in the snow. And after that you go on with the rest of your day as if it were like any other. Is shoveling after a blizzard really like any other day? No. And you WILL feel it in the morning!
So you know it was not like any other day because you might only shovel once each winter, if that much. What happens after your day of nonstop activity in the freezing weather? A few hours later the muscle stiffness kicks in and then you realize that maybe you are not as fit as you thought. You are not in "shoveling shape." You feel like you moved mountains (pun intended!) so you are satisfied with your job, but you ache. You probably think you can deal with a LITTLE stiffness or even soreness... until the next day when you wake up and every muscle hurts. You can’t get out of bed because you are so sore. Now what?
Your back, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, and muscles you did not realize that you have are burning. It is intense, more than you expected. So why is it that you are in "good shape" but you are so sore from shoveling? Think about it...
When you exercise at the gym you might perform 2-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions per exercise. Maybe you perform 2-3 exercises per muscle group, but most people only perform 1 set. So how many times on average during your last 10-20 workouts did each muscle group contract? Yes, there is math involved in training.
Read the rest of the article here...
This fitness article includes a photo of my own backyard after the snow storm...
By Karen Goeller, CSCS
Karen Goeller, CSCS, has educated thousands of coaches, teachers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts with her books, articles, and in person. She has been training athletes since 1978 and adults since 1986. Karen Goeller is the author of the Swing Set Fitness books, the Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning books, numerous training programs, and many articles. Karen has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and on television many times. Read her full bio at
Come see Karen LIVE on the Late Night with Johnny P Show... It will be fun! January 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM at CTV Staten Island Community TV 100 Cable Way Staten Island, NY 10303

Swing Set Fitness is exercise with a playground swing. It is fun, fast, and effective. All major muscle groups can be targeted, the legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms, and the core. Benefits include weight loss, improved muscle tone, and increased strength. It's for adults and kids. There are three Swing Set Fitness books written by the creator of Swing Set Fitness, Karen Goeller, CSCS. The books are available through all major book retailers. Created in 2006.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Karen Goeller LIVE on the Late Night with Johnny P Show
See Karen Goeller LIVE on the Late Night with Johnny P Show...
You're invited to join us live!
When: January 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Where: CTV Staten Island Community TV 100 Cable Way Staten Island, NY 10303
After the show Karen will gladly sign books. Get your books now so that you will have them in plenty of time to be signed by Karen. Her books can be purchased through, Barnes and Noble (,,, and most major book retailers.
Did you know that gymnastics and fitness books make great holiday gifts? Be sure to get a book for yourself and another for a friend! Karen has written numerous fitness and gymnastics books that include Swing Set Fitness, fitness journals, gymnastics drills and conditioning, gymnastics journal, and more. And she has created so many training programs (e-books) that everyone will find something useful on her website. Visit Karen's website now...
And share this information with your friends.
See you soon...
You're invited to join us live!
When: January 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Where: CTV Staten Island Community TV 100 Cable Way Staten Island, NY 10303
After the show Karen will gladly sign books. Get your books now so that you will have them in plenty of time to be signed by Karen. Her books can be purchased through, Barnes and Noble (,,, and most major book retailers.
Did you know that gymnastics and fitness books make great holiday gifts? Be sure to get a book for yourself and another for a friend! Karen has written numerous fitness and gymnastics books that include Swing Set Fitness, fitness journals, gymnastics drills and conditioning, gymnastics journal, and more. And she has created so many training programs (e-books) that everyone will find something useful on her website. Visit Karen's website now...
And share this information with your friends.
See you soon...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Gymnastics Stuff: Apparel, Gifts, Calendars, Posters, Ornaments
We have added a few new designs to the gymnastics products on our Gymnastics Stuff gifts website. There is a great gymnastic design for everyone on your list. The new designs have been added to the calendars, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, baby items, journals, pillows, clocks, and other products,
So visit our gymnastic gifts and apparel website today and finish all of your holiday shopping. Your gymnast and gymnastics coach will love the gymnastic gifts from Gymnastics Stuff! Did you get a 2010 gymnastic calendar for your gymnast or gymnastics coach yet? The calendars are perfect gifts and they will definitely be used all year long. You can choose from the monthly calendar or the 11 x 17 calendar prints. The gymnastics calendars feature professionally designed gymnastics art with unique gymnastic quotes. Either way, your gymnast and coach will love this gift! Here is the calendar page... And here is the page with all of the gymnastics apparel and gifts...
And did you know that we have great deals on gymnastics and fitness journals and many other books? There are packages of books that offer super savings. And we offer quantity discounts so you may want to get a book for each team member! You can see the books at
Have a great holiday season...
So visit our gymnastic gifts and apparel website today and finish all of your holiday shopping. Your gymnast and gymnastics coach will love the gymnastic gifts from Gymnastics Stuff! Did you get a 2010 gymnastic calendar for your gymnast or gymnastics coach yet? The calendars are perfect gifts and they will definitely be used all year long. You can choose from the monthly calendar or the 11 x 17 calendar prints. The gymnastics calendars feature professionally designed gymnastics art with unique gymnastic quotes. Either way, your gymnast and coach will love this gift! Here is the calendar page... And here is the page with all of the gymnastics apparel and gifts...
And did you know that we have great deals on gymnastics and fitness journals and many other books? There are packages of books that offer super savings. And we offer quantity discounts so you may want to get a book for each team member! You can see the books at
Have a great holiday season...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ballroom Dance: An Unlikely Recipe for Physical Rehabilitation, One Step at a Time
An Unlikely Recipe for Physical Rehabilitation, One Step at a Time…
By Karen Goeller, CSCS
Fractures, herniated discs, and post traumatic stress were just a few of the problems I faced after an accident. I was devastated when I could no longer work. At the time I was a gymnastics coach and advertising manager. I was in pain all of the time from the damage to my spine.
For the first 6 years after my accident I listened to the doctors "don't lift anything over 5 pounds… Don't irritate the nerves in your spine." After years of going to physical therapists, pain centers, neurologists, and orthopedic surgeons I took matters into my own hands. I already had vast knowledge of exercise and knew what triggered my symptoms. I began to experiment with body weight exercises and light dumbbells. I made some progress, but I still had terrible pain every day.
Do you know what made a big difference? When I began to write my Swing Set Fitness books I performed some of the swing exercises. I was shocked at how much I was able to do. Swing Set Fitness helped me with upper and lower body strength much more than I expected. I finally started to feel ALIVE AGAIN.
I felt that I made tremendous gains with strength and with my overall well-being, but I was looking for something more. I needed a physical activity that would help with low body coordination and balance, but it had to be safe for me. And it had to fit my personality. Was there such a thing?
When I saw “Dancing with the Stars” I was curious as to whether I should give ballroom dance a try. I knew there would be limitations with my spine. I took ballet for many years, was a gymnast, and have coached my gymnasts in dance skills for their floor and balance beam routines since 1978. I was definitely no stranger to movement. As I watched the stars dance I saw some things that would not work for me, but I also saw enough that made me say, "Why not?!?!"
I still had to be careful in order to prevent more damage to my spine, but I NEEDED to try this. It would be the first time I have attempted movement in a non-controlled environment. All of my physical rehabilitation from the accident was in controlled environments such as physical therapy offices or my own home. I knew taking a ballroom dance class would be very risky because the movements would not be decided by me and my environment would not be controlled. A bump from another couple or a fall could cause serious problems to an already damaged body.
So I took the chance knowing that I could stop and leave the class if necessary. The backwards walking was a real challenge for me. I did not have the coordination, speed, or balance for most of the basic steps I attempted. And dancing on a crowded dance floor was truly nerve racking. I was terrified that I would crash into someone, but I had to trust my dance partner to guide me safely. I got through the first class and went in for a second, third, and fourth. It was a challenge, mentally and physically. The ballroom dance classes have been amazing physical therapy for my low body. And even better, there was moderate rather than intense pain after most of the classes.
And here’s a thought… I would not perform that many low back kicks (back extensions), leg (quad) extensions, or hip flexor contractions during any single exercise session. And who would want to count that high when exercising! I had no idea how great the fox trot, tango, and waltz are for improving low body strength and coordination until I started to learn them. And it is a different strength than ballet or other forms of dance. Ballroom dance has provided the missing component to my low body physical rehabilitation. After taking about ten classes I have noticed that my balance has improved and I am more coordinated.
Physical therapists should consider assigning ballroom dance to some of their patients for low body coordination, balance, speed, and strength. The reaching back with the foot for the backward step is a similar motion to a low back kick (hip extension). As the female transfers her weight and propels her body backwards, she is performing quadriceps and hip flexor contractions. And ballroom dance is sure to help people with posture. When a previously active individual is at a plateau in physical rehabilitation, ballroom dance just might be the best therapy.
So who do I recommend for ballroom dance? Check out All Star Ballroom in Brielle, NJ. The owner, Jim Hempen, was a highly successful competitive dancer and is a great instructor. I also recommend Nola Jones who teaches in Freehold, NJ. She has tremendous experience and is a wonderful teacher. And what physical therapist do I recommend? Give Michelle Wolpov, owner of Game Shape, a call. Michelle has tremendous sports and physical therapy experience. Game Shape is in Manalapan, NJ.
And if you need help with fitness give me a call, 888-496-8749. I will gladly help you reach your fitness goals whether you need personal training in NJ or online training because you live too far from me. Here is th epage with my training information...
Karen Goeller, CSCS
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Health & Fitness Newsletter
My next "GET FIT" newsletter will be emailed 11/1/09. The food industry targets you... Learn how to break the cycle of hyper-eating... A healthy recipe...
Sign up now, before you miss another great newsletter!
Sign up now, before you miss another great newsletter!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Website Updates
Updated my Gymnastics Stuff website... Home Page...
Updated my Gymnastics Stuff website... The Training Programs page...
Updated my Gymnastics Stuff website... The Advice Column...
Updated my Gymnastics Stuff website... The Training Programs page...
Updated my Gymnastics Stuff website... The Advice Column...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How can I help you?
Read some of the feedback on this expert forum and let me know how I can help your gymnast...
I offer sports conditioning and private gymnastics training in NJ and through the web.
I will gladly attend events, speak for your group, help the media with gymnastics and fitness stories, and autograph her books. Please call 888-496-8749 to discuss your idea or request an interview.
I offer sports conditioning and private gymnastics training in NJ and through the web.
I will gladly attend events, speak for your group, help the media with gymnastics and fitness stories, and autograph her books. Please call 888-496-8749 to discuss your idea or request an interview.
Sunday, September 27, 2009 Great article on phytochemicals by June Lay... We MUST encourage the children we work with to eat thier fruits and vegetables...
And be sure to sign up for my health & fitness newsletter at
And be sure to sign up for my health & fitness newsletter at
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Stretching Workout
I hope you are having a nice September so far. Where did our summer go?
This is just a not to let you know that there is a new Stretching Workout available for you. This workout includes stretches for the hamstrings, quadriceps, piriformis, psoas, and more. It is appropriate for adults and athletes.
In relation to gymnastics... Many gymnasts do not stretch the piriformis or psoas muscles, but they stretch the adductors (straddle) and hamstrings (pike) among other muscles. They even "over stretch" the hamstrings, but most often neglect the hip flexors (psoas) and quadriceps.
The great imbalance in flexibility may cause problems with performance and lower body health. For example, when a gymnast performs a split leap or a back walkover and the leading leg shifts outwards, (as if about to "straddle") it could be the result of tight piriformis muscles. Many gymnasts are unaware that this may lead to an unsafe situation on balance beam. If the gymnast's leading leg sways outward during a split leap it could be difficult for her to bring that front leg back in line to land safely on the beam. It is imperative that the gymnast stretch and condition all of the lower body muscles for the most safe gymnastics experience.
This stretching workout will help the gymnast learn how to stretch the muscles most often neglected, the psoas, quadriceps, and piriformis. For safety and health, your gymnast must stretch all muscles in the lower body. Another point, when the gymnast only stretches in one direction she may feel hip or knee pain over the course of time. Any gymnast with pain must be seen by a doctor. If tight muscles are the cause of the pain this stretching workout should help. Always check with the doctor or physical therapist if stretching an area with chronic pain.
Visit to go directly to the Animated Training Programs page on our website,
And besides the Stretching Workout you can download many gymnastics conditioning, speed, Legs Plus, and other sports and fitness workouts. There is even a sample workout for you to download at no cost.
And did you know that I offer web based training? I create workouts based on YOUR goals. The animated workouts are emailed directly to you on a weekly basis.
Let me know how I can help you...
Karen Goeller
Next health & fitness newsletter (on 10/1) includes "Unleash the Power of Fiber." Sign up now...
This is just a not to let you know that there is a new Stretching Workout available for you. This workout includes stretches for the hamstrings, quadriceps, piriformis, psoas, and more. It is appropriate for adults and athletes.
In relation to gymnastics... Many gymnasts do not stretch the piriformis or psoas muscles, but they stretch the adductors (straddle) and hamstrings (pike) among other muscles. They even "over stretch" the hamstrings, but most often neglect the hip flexors (psoas) and quadriceps.
The great imbalance in flexibility may cause problems with performance and lower body health. For example, when a gymnast performs a split leap or a back walkover and the leading leg shifts outwards, (as if about to "straddle") it could be the result of tight piriformis muscles. Many gymnasts are unaware that this may lead to an unsafe situation on balance beam. If the gymnast's leading leg sways outward during a split leap it could be difficult for her to bring that front leg back in line to land safely on the beam. It is imperative that the gymnast stretch and condition all of the lower body muscles for the most safe gymnastics experience.
This stretching workout will help the gymnast learn how to stretch the muscles most often neglected, the psoas, quadriceps, and piriformis. For safety and health, your gymnast must stretch all muscles in the lower body. Another point, when the gymnast only stretches in one direction she may feel hip or knee pain over the course of time. Any gymnast with pain must be seen by a doctor. If tight muscles are the cause of the pain this stretching workout should help. Always check with the doctor or physical therapist if stretching an area with chronic pain.
Visit to go directly to the Animated Training Programs page on our website,
And besides the Stretching Workout you can download many gymnastics conditioning, speed, Legs Plus, and other sports and fitness workouts. There is even a sample workout for you to download at no cost.
And did you know that I offer web based training? I create workouts based on YOUR goals. The animated workouts are emailed directly to you on a weekly basis.
Let me know how I can help you...
Karen Goeller
Next health & fitness newsletter (on 10/1) includes "Unleash the Power of Fiber." Sign up now...
Monday, September 7, 2009
New article on my gymnastics website...
New article on my gymnastics website, Back Walkover - Back Pain Connection...
This gymnastics article offers tips for reducing back pain in gymnasts. It teaches the correct technique for the tumbling skill, back walkover.
Here's the link...
This gymnastics article offers tips for reducing back pain in gymnasts. It teaches the correct technique for the tumbling skill, back walkover.
Here's the link...
Friday, September 4, 2009
This weekend...
Have a great weekend!!! And make sure you exercise at least once over the next few days... The Legs Plus programs only take 10-20 minutes and they are intense!
Networking at Baseball Stadium
Went to Nine Innings of Networking in NJ. It's so nice that the BlueClaws organization brings the community together in so many ways...
NJ Minor League Baseball team Lakewood BlueClaws official site for family fun activities in NJ...
And be sure to check out my website...
NJ Minor League Baseball team Lakewood BlueClaws official site for family fun activities in NJ...
And be sure to check out my website...
fitness programs,
fitness trainers,
new jersey,
personal training,
swing fitness,
swing workout,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Register to participate in the TEAL Walk, an event to help with ovarian cancer research. It is being held in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY on 9/12/09.
Go to the webstie now and register...
Go to the webstie now and register...
Gymnastics Training in NJ
Private Gymnastics Training: Gymnastics Training: Bars, Beam, Floor, Vault, Strength, Flexibility
I offer private gymnastics lessons for USAG level 5-10 gymnasts as well as USAIGC, high school, and JOGA gymnasts. Training may include skill technique, flexibility, strength, or progressions for returning from injury, depending upon the gymnasts goals and needs.
Allow me to help your daughter prepare for competition, improve performance, prevent injury, or condition after an injury. If a college scholarship is one of your daughter’s goals, she must train with someone who has already produced successful athletes. Your daughter will gain strength, mentally and physically. She will be more prepared for her sport and for life. If you've been thinking about getting some extra training for your daughter, NOW is the time, before she gets frustrated with her slow progress. I offer training for girls as young as 8 years old and up through college level athletes.
Why should your daughter train with me? Visit for my background information. You'll quickly realize that I am the one you should contact when your daughter needs help. Did you know that I am the ONLY CSCS in NJ who ALSO has a tremendous amount of gymnastics experience? In other words, I am an expert in conditioning AND in gymnastics. No other trainer in NJ is more qualified to train gymnasts who need strength and better skill technique than me.
Contact me BEFORE your daughter becomes more frustrated with her slow progress... 888-496-8749
I offer private gymnastics lessons for USAG level 5-10 gymnasts as well as USAIGC, high school, and JOGA gymnasts. Training may include skill technique, flexibility, strength, or progressions for returning from injury, depending upon the gymnasts goals and needs.
Allow me to help your daughter prepare for competition, improve performance, prevent injury, or condition after an injury. If a college scholarship is one of your daughter’s goals, she must train with someone who has already produced successful athletes. Your daughter will gain strength, mentally and physically. She will be more prepared for her sport and for life. If you've been thinking about getting some extra training for your daughter, NOW is the time, before she gets frustrated with her slow progress. I offer training for girls as young as 8 years old and up through college level athletes.
Why should your daughter train with me? Visit for my background information. You'll quickly realize that I am the one you should contact when your daughter needs help. Did you know that I am the ONLY CSCS in NJ who ALSO has a tremendous amount of gymnastics experience? In other words, I am an expert in conditioning AND in gymnastics. No other trainer in NJ is more qualified to train gymnasts who need strength and better skill technique than me.
Contact me BEFORE your daughter becomes more frustrated with her slow progress... 888-496-8749
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Swing Exercise Programs Offer Fun Outdoor Workouts!
Have You Seen These Fitness Books? Swing Exercise Programs Offer Fun Outdoor Workouts with a Playground Swing!

Our outdoor exercises and workouts are fun, fast, and very effective! Learn nearly 50 exercises and 12 unique workouts that are performed with a playground swing. This is the perfect outdoor exercise for weight loss, strength training, kids fitness, sports conditioning, physical education, personal training, etc.
Click here to buy Fitness on a Swing Set with Training Programs.
You will agree that these exercise books are useful, innovative, and very unique. Just read the reviews to see what others have said.
Swing Set Fitness is an exercise method using a playground swing as the gym equipment. It offers you total body conditioning that is fun and effective. This form of exercise is a very enjoyable way to lose weight, tone, and gain strength. It is an exciting and unique workout experience for adults and children.
Fitness facilities have begun offering swing set fitness indoors. Just take a look at The Training Room in Avon, NJ to see how they are using Swing Set Fitness. You will see that using a playground swing to exercise is the perfect addition to any outdoor fitness program.
Swing Set Fitness programs are not your typical exercise programs. Playground equipment, more specifically a swing, adds to the variety of exercises you have available for fitness
Exercising with a playground swing will make your outdoor workout more pleasant and you will stick to a program you enjoy. That means better results! Swing fitness is an excellent form of conditioning for your entire body.
Swing exercise can be adjusted to suit your current fitness level. Swing Set Fitness is a terrific way to encourage children and adults to exercise because it is so unique and enjoyable.
Not sure how to start? No problem! All three Swing Set Fitness books are loaded with photos and explanations. You will be guided through exercises and workouts that will be both time efficient and useful. These books are perfect for beginners through advanced because there are workouts that help the beginner start slowly while the advanced readers can be challenged with more difficult workouts. You will find these books to be very useful and you will reach your fitness goals.
These Swing Set Fitness books include nearly 50 exercises and 12 playground swing workouts. Whether you choose to install a swing indoors or exercise in a playground, this physical training offers a fun and exciting way for everyone to improve their fitness level, lose weight, or increase their strength and flexibility.
You can easily take these books with you to the playground for immediate reference. They are the perfect size for carrying in a gym bag.
The Swing Set Fitness books and the Swing Set Fitness Training Concept were created by Karen Goeller and Brian Dowd. If the name Karen Goeller sounds familiar it is because she is the author of more gymnastics books than anyone in the USA with sales worldwide. Her first gymnastics drills and conditioning book was the only one of it's kind when she published it in January 2001. Many fitness and gymnastics training programs have been created as a direct result of Goeller's first gymnastics drills book including the CrossFit Program. Her customers include Greg Glassman, the creator of CrossFit and Tony Horton, the creator of P90X. Goeller's books have been called the most useful on the market. There is no fluff in her books, no sales talk, and they are filled with useful information.
You will gain strength, lose weight, become fit, and improve your flexibility with her fitness and gymnastics books. You can perform light workouts or the difficult ones, either way, you will see results! The exercises in the Swing Set Fitness books will help everyone improve their fitness level.
Get out there and have fun while you workout! Learn a new exercise. Accept the challenge. Change your physical appearance, your health, and your life.
Click here to buy Fitness on a Swing Set with Training Programs.
Buy now!
Swing Set Fitness Books - Reader Reviews...
"Innovative, creative, and best of all challenging and effective. Be in for a surprise because it will challenge your fittest athlete."
C.C., Counselor/Coach, Los Angelis United School District
"I was so impressed. I loved the stretching exercises. These exercises are versatile for athletes of different sports. I can’t wait to use some of these ideas."
M. Soto-Staniszewski, Gymnastics Coach and School Teacher
M. Soto-Staniszewski, Gymnastics Coach and School Teacher
"When I showed my children the book and then did the exercises at the park, they thought it was a blast! My 8 year old started teaching his friends."
DM, Secondary Physical Education Teacher
DM, Secondary Physical Education Teacher
"Awesome concept. I really like this because all the exercises engage core muscles."
Lois Ross, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Cardio Kick-box Instructor
Lois Ross, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Cardio Kick-box Instructor
"There are great exercises in this book that you probably never would have thought of, and it’s always great to try new and different exercises.”
Ray Patria, Personal Fitness Trainer
Ray Patria, Personal Fitness Trainer
"Great job Karen! I thought this was very clever. Many people think expensive gym equipment is needed for proper exercise."
Bill Morgan, Weekend Warrior and Business Development Manager
Bill Morgan, Weekend Warrior and Business Development Manager
“This swing set fitness book is amazing. Now my kids won't be the only ones exercising when I take them to the park!"
I. Murray, Nurse
I. Murray, Nurse
"What an innovative way to utilize playground equipment. Directions are clear and photos provide great illustrations.”
W. Galloway, M.S. ed.
W. Galloway, M.S. ed.
"Awesome concept. It's fun, upbeat..."
J. Garafolo, C.S.C.S.
"I like the exercises - there were some new ones I hadn't seen before."
R. Lee, Fitness Author
Have fun while you workout! Learn a new exercise. Accept the challenge. Gain strength. Spend time with your family. Do it with a swing!
New Gymnastics Video: Drill for Cast Handstand and Clear Hip Handstand on Uneven Bars
New Gymnastics Video on the Gymnastics Stuff Website...
It is a drill for Cast Handstand and Clear Hip Handstand on uneven bars.
There is a new video on the Gymnastics Stuff website that shows a gymnast demonstrating a drill to help with the cast handstand and clear hip handstand on uneven bars. This is one of many drills in the book, Handstand Drills and Conditioning Exercises. To see this video visit
Karen Goeller has posted a new gymnastics video on her Gymnastics Stuff website that shows a gymnast demonstrating a drill to help with the cast handstand and clear hip handstand on uneven bars. This is a drill that she has required her gymnasts to perform for many years. This is one of many drills in her Handstand Drills and Conditioning Book. To see this video visit
The video shows one of Karen Goeller's athletes demonstrating the Planche-Handstand-Planche Drill. It will help the gymnast become more aware of body tightness, shoulder motion during uneven bars skills, and it will help improve her upper body strength. This exercise is specific to the shoulder motion during the final phase of the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. It will also help with the back extension on floor and awareness for the basic handstand on floor and balance beam.
Many gymnasts do not train the final phase, the opening of the shoulder angle, of the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. If that is the case, the gymnasts are not training the full range of motion for these skills and they often become frustrated because it takes a very long time to perform these skills with ease. Many gymnasts believe that if they just continue to attempt either skill, often only reaching horizontal, they will progress to the handstand position. The reality is that they are only practicing half of the range of motion necessary, therefore they are not conditioning the muscles properly for the skills.
The muscles must be trained to perform the movements desired. The drill in this video will help train the final stage of the skills previously mentioned. It is imperative that the gymnast train the entire upper body range of motion in order to successfully perform the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. This will allow faster progression with the gymnast's success on these skills.
The gymnast in the video performing the drill is a level 5 gymnast. By the time she must perform the cast handstand on her own she will already have developed an awareness of shoulder position and much of the strength necessary for the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. There are many drills and conditioning exercises for the cast handstand and the clear hip handstand, but the drill demonstrated in this video should be at the top of the list because it is very effective. Other exercises for these skills are available in the Cast Handstand Training Programs. They can be purchased through the Animated E-Books page on the website,
If your gymnast requires more help with these skills, Karen Goeller offers gymnastics clinics for teams and personal training for gymnasts in NJ. For information on these services call 888-496-8749.
It is a drill for Cast Handstand and Clear Hip Handstand on uneven bars.
There is a new video on the Gymnastics Stuff website that shows a gymnast demonstrating a drill to help with the cast handstand and clear hip handstand on uneven bars. This is one of many drills in the book, Handstand Drills and Conditioning Exercises. To see this video visit
Karen Goeller has posted a new gymnastics video on her Gymnastics Stuff website that shows a gymnast demonstrating a drill to help with the cast handstand and clear hip handstand on uneven bars. This is a drill that she has required her gymnasts to perform for many years. This is one of many drills in her Handstand Drills and Conditioning Book. To see this video visit
The video shows one of Karen Goeller's athletes demonstrating the Planche-Handstand-Planche Drill. It will help the gymnast become more aware of body tightness, shoulder motion during uneven bars skills, and it will help improve her upper body strength. This exercise is specific to the shoulder motion during the final phase of the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. It will also help with the back extension on floor and awareness for the basic handstand on floor and balance beam.
Many gymnasts do not train the final phase, the opening of the shoulder angle, of the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. If that is the case, the gymnasts are not training the full range of motion for these skills and they often become frustrated because it takes a very long time to perform these skills with ease. Many gymnasts believe that if they just continue to attempt either skill, often only reaching horizontal, they will progress to the handstand position. The reality is that they are only practicing half of the range of motion necessary, therefore they are not conditioning the muscles properly for the skills.
The muscles must be trained to perform the movements desired. The drill in this video will help train the final stage of the skills previously mentioned. It is imperative that the gymnast train the entire upper body range of motion in order to successfully perform the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. This will allow faster progression with the gymnast's success on these skills.
The gymnast in the video performing the drill is a level 5 gymnast. By the time she must perform the cast handstand on her own she will already have developed an awareness of shoulder position and much of the strength necessary for the cast handstand and clear hip handstand. There are many drills and conditioning exercises for the cast handstand and the clear hip handstand, but the drill demonstrated in this video should be at the top of the list because it is very effective. Other exercises for these skills are available in the Cast Handstand Training Programs. They can be purchased through the Animated E-Books page on the website,
If your gymnast requires more help with these skills, Karen Goeller offers gymnastics clinics for teams and personal training for gymnasts in NJ. For information on these services call 888-496-8749.
Monday, July 6, 2009
New Article Posted... The Feet Matter
We have posted another article on our website that we know you'll enjoy. And great news, you can download the Feet Matter: Correct Over Pronation article to your computer! The article, The Feet Matter: Correct Over Pronation and Avoid Various Problems... offers tips for correcting this common foot problem and it tells why this is so important, especially for gymnasts. Here is the page with the article,
For more information on this topic you can view the list of references at the bottom of the article. For information on our fitness books and programs visit Did you know that we are offering free shipping until 7/11/09!
We hope you find this health article to be very informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do for you.
Karen Goeller, CSCS
We have posted another article on our website that we know you'll enjoy. And great news, you can download the Feet Matter: Correct Over Pronation article to your computer! The article, The Feet Matter: Correct Over Pronation and Avoid Various Problems... offers tips for correcting this common foot problem and it tells why this is so important, especially for gymnasts. Here is the page with the article,
For more information on this topic you can view the list of references at the bottom of the article. For information on our fitness books and programs visit Did you know that we are offering free shipping until 7/11/09!
We hope you find this health article to be very informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do for you.
Karen Goeller, CSCS
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fundraising for team or organization, supplement your income, or start a small business... as an affiliate!
Earn money for your sports team, supplement your personal income, or grow your business with our Swing Set Fitness and Gymnastics Stuff Affiliate Program
Earn up to 30% as a Swing Set Fitness affiliate! Sign up as an affiliate now...
The commissions are generous and the income is unlimited. There is great earning potential. It will be well worth your time to use your affiliate links on your website, in your newsletters, and in your personal email. You can earn as much as 30% of the retail price on many of our products. That's much hogher than the standars 2% you get as an affiliate of other companies! Just add your affiliate link (and a brief description of item) to your website, newsletter, or email. When your friend clicks on your link and makes the purchase you earn commission. You have the potential to increase your income tremendously. Not bad during a recession! Now is the time to take advantage of our new affiliate program. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Sign up now...
There is absolutely no obligation to sell, but the commissions are generous and the income is unlimited!
Earn up to 30% as a Swing Set Fitness affiliate! Sign up as an affiliate now...
The commissions are generous and the income is unlimited. There is great earning potential. It will be well worth your time to use your affiliate links on your website, in your newsletters, and in your personal email. You can earn as much as 30% of the retail price on many of our products. That's much hogher than the standars 2% you get as an affiliate of other companies! Just add your affiliate link (and a brief description of item) to your website, newsletter, or email. When your friend clicks on your link and makes the purchase you earn commission. You have the potential to increase your income tremendously. Not bad during a recession! Now is the time to take advantage of our new affiliate program. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Sign up now...
There is absolutely no obligation to sell, but the commissions are generous and the income is unlimited!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Swing for Veterans Program
Swing for Veterans Program: Attention Military Members, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans...
Karen Goeller, creator of Swing Set Fitness wants to thank veterans for their remarkable service by donating her time. She will be offering FREE Swing Set workouts. Goeller is looking forward to working with injured and non-injured veterans and military members. These workouts are for veterans and their spouses of all fitness levels.
Goeller stated, "there are plenty of exercises that can be performed by people with injuries." The non-injured areas of the body can often be exercised without disrupting the injured areas. The swing can support the bodyweight while certain exercises are performed. For example, the squat exercise can be performed with the swing behind the back so that it is supporting the body weight or it can be performed while holding the swing and leaning back. Another example of an exercise where the swing supports the body weight is the double crunch. That one is performed while sitting on top of the swing.
Goeller knows first hand about performing exercise while injured because she has successfully performed many swing exercises with her back injuries. (Her story is here... Goeller states that she was "surprised at how many exercises could be performed with an injury." Goeller states that she will also offer help to the spouses of veterans because the couple can exercise together.
For more information or to join this program call 888-496-8749. Visit for more information on Swing Set Fitness and this program.
Karen would like to recruit fitness trainers from all over the USA so that this program can be offered nationwide.
Karen's workouts are in Toms River, NJ and Avon, NJ. By appointment. Schedule and weather permitting. Additional rules apply.
We sincerely thank all veterans for their service! Karen Goeller's Bio is at
Karen Goeller, creator of Swing Set Fitness wants to thank veterans for their remarkable service by donating her time. She will be offering FREE Swing Set workouts. Goeller is looking forward to working with injured and non-injured veterans and military members. These workouts are for veterans and their spouses of all fitness levels.
Goeller stated, "there are plenty of exercises that can be performed by people with injuries." The non-injured areas of the body can often be exercised without disrupting the injured areas. The swing can support the bodyweight while certain exercises are performed. For example, the squat exercise can be performed with the swing behind the back so that it is supporting the body weight or it can be performed while holding the swing and leaning back. Another example of an exercise where the swing supports the body weight is the double crunch. That one is performed while sitting on top of the swing.
Goeller knows first hand about performing exercise while injured because she has successfully performed many swing exercises with her back injuries. (Her story is here... Goeller states that she was "surprised at how many exercises could be performed with an injury." Goeller states that she will also offer help to the spouses of veterans because the couple can exercise together.
For more information or to join this program call 888-496-8749. Visit for more information on Swing Set Fitness and this program.
Karen would like to recruit fitness trainers from all over the USA so that this program can be offered nationwide.
Karen's workouts are in Toms River, NJ and Avon, NJ. By appointment. Schedule and weather permitting. Additional rules apply.
We sincerely thank all veterans for their service! Karen Goeller's Bio is at
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