Private Gymnastics Training: Gymnastics Training: Bars, Beam, Floor, Vault, Strength, Flexibility
I offer private gymnastics lessons for USAG level 5-10 gymnasts as well as USAIGC, high school, and JOGA gymnasts. Training may include skill technique, flexibility, strength, or progressions for returning from injury, depending upon the gymnasts goals and needs.
Allow me to help your daughter prepare for competition, improve performance, prevent injury, or condition after an injury. If a college scholarship is one of your daughter’s goals, she must train with someone who has already produced successful athletes. Your daughter will gain strength, mentally and physically. She will be more prepared for her sport and for life. If you've been thinking about getting some extra training for your daughter, NOW is the time, before she gets frustrated with her slow progress. I offer training for girls as young as 8 years old and up through college level athletes.
Why should your daughter train with me? Visit for my background information. You'll quickly realize that I am the one you should contact when your daughter needs help. Did you know that I am the ONLY CSCS in NJ who ALSO has a tremendous amount of gymnastics experience? In other words, I am an expert in conditioning AND in gymnastics. No other trainer in NJ is more qualified to train gymnasts who need strength and better skill technique than me.
Contact me BEFORE your daughter becomes more frustrated with her slow progress... 888-496-8749

Swing Set Fitness is exercise with a playground swing. It is fun, fast, and effective. All major muscle groups can be targeted, the legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms, and the core. Benefits include weight loss, improved muscle tone, and increased strength. It's for adults and kids. There are three Swing Set Fitness books written by the creator of Swing Set Fitness, Karen Goeller, CSCS. The books are available through all major book retailers. Created in 2006.