See Karen Goeller LIVE on the Late Night with Johnny P Show...
You're invited to join us live!
When: January 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Where: CTV Staten Island Community TV 100 Cable Way Staten Island, NY 10303
After the show Karen will gladly sign books. Get your books now so that you will have them in plenty of time to be signed by Karen. Her books can be purchased through, Barnes and Noble (,,, and most major book retailers.
Did you know that gymnastics and fitness books make great holiday gifts? Be sure to get a book for yourself and another for a friend! Karen has written numerous fitness and gymnastics books that include Swing Set Fitness, fitness journals, gymnastics drills and conditioning, gymnastics journal, and more. And she has created so many training programs (e-books) that everyone will find something useful on her website. Visit Karen's website now...
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Swing Set Fitness is exercise with a playground swing. It is fun, fast, and effective. All major muscle groups can be targeted, the legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms, and the core. Benefits include weight loss, improved muscle tone, and increased strength. It's for adults and kids. There are three Swing Set Fitness books written by the creator of Swing Set Fitness, Karen Goeller, CSCS. The books are available through all major book retailers. Created in 2006.