I just released my most popular book in e-book format!
It's the 10th Anniversary of my first gymnastics drills and conditioning book. I just released that book in e-book format because it has remained my most popular gymnastics book for the past ten years! This was written to help gymnasts, but many fitness enthusiasts love this book for all of the strength and core exercises. The first edition was used by Greg Glassman to write the CrossFit program. And CrossFit is now a worldwide phenomena. So check out this book now!
Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Book: The gymnastics drills and conditioning exercises in this book will help speed the learning process and better prepare your gymnast for skills, series, routines, and competition. They will score higher at competitions when their tumbling, dance, and uneven bars skills are performed correctly. Every gymnast must master the gymnastics skills addressed in this gymnastics book. The topics include running, vaulting, dance, uneven bars, and press handstand. In the uneven bars section there are drills for the glide kip, cast handstand, and clear hip among other skills. In the dance section there are drills and conditioning exercises for the split leap, straddle jump, and other dance skills. These drills are perfect for gymnasts in USAG levels one through eight or for more advanced gymnasts with gaps in their training. This book was originally released in print in 2001. This e-book has been released for the tenth anniversary.
Karen Goeller, CSCS
www.KarenGoeller.com (Blog)
www.GymnasticsStuff.com (Gymnastics books, training programs apparel, gifts, etc.)
www.SwingSetFitness.com (Fitness books, exercise programs, etc.)

Swing Set Fitness is exercise with a playground swing. It is fun, fast, and effective. All major muscle groups can be targeted, the legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms, and the core. Benefits include weight loss, improved muscle tone, and increased strength. It's for adults and kids. There are three Swing Set Fitness books written by the creator of Swing Set Fitness, Karen Goeller, CSCS. The books are available through all major book retailers. Created in 2006.